Rudolf Schindler

November 2, 1910 - February 12, 1945

Rudolf Schindler, born in 2 November 1910, died 12 February 1945, studied biology and chemistry at the University of Leipzig in 1930–1934, while also a passionate piano player and a composer. He joined the NSDAP after 1933 and worked as a trainer at an SA sports school. While doing his military service, he was persuaded in 1935 to join the regular army. There he was popular with his underlings. He served on the Polish, French and African fronts, then was sent to Budapest as a materials officer with the 13th armoured brigade. Captured on 12 February 1945 in Lövőház utca, it is certain that not long after he was shot dead or died of the injury, as no later mention of him has remained. 

Schindler életútjából egyáltalán nem következett a katonai karrier. Egy demokráciában minden bizonnyal kiváló tanár, mérnök vagy muzsikus lehetett volna.